Papaya callina which is a local fruit native to Indonesia, now widely grown farmers in many regions because of various advantages and the high market demand.
Papaya is small with an average weight of 1.3 kg per fruit is sold in many large supermarkets, some of them labeled with the name "papaya california".
"The call that is not our california papaya, but the seller. Though it is a papaya callina breeding we did for years, "said Dr. Sriani, head of the Division of Plant Breeding, Centre for Tropical Fruit (PKBT) IPB.
"Frankly I am saddened and hurt by changing the name, but we could not possibly file a lawsuit because the name of the fruit is not patented," he said.
These varieties, he added, is to the public domain, so farmers can develop it themselves.
"But ethically, it should be entrepreneurs do not change the name of the fruit even though the reason in order to attract buyers," said a woman born in Ponorogo, East Java, October 28, 1955 it.
Among farmers still call it papaya callina, but then by a businessman who bought papaya labeled as California, so it seems that the original Papaya from the United States.
Likewise, the findings of Dr. papaya carisya PKBT Sriani et al in IPB, once in the supermarket its name changed to Havana papaya.
But apart from the matter of the name before, there are things that make the heart Sriani happy, because it shows that hard work and research has succeeded in giving benefits to farmers, and prove that in fact the local fruit is not inferior to imported fruit that is currently flooding the Indonesian market.
"More happy again when I hear reports from farmers that they succeeded in developing this callina papaya in their area, and got a tidy profit," he said.
Callina Papaya is one of the findings Sriani farmers who successfully developed and accepted by society. These varieties can adapt to different types of soil, including sandy soil on the beach such as those developed in East Java.
Sriani tells us that varieties of papaya callina was originally found in a garden owned by a villager named Mr. Okim Bogor. The owner admitted that papaya seeds came from the United States, although not yet traced the truth.
Then Sriani and his team conducted breeding or breeding of the fruit and do some research and testing for seven years before finally giving birth varieties called callina or California-Indonesia.
Top local persistence in fruit breeding, the Sriani received numerous awards from various circles. Among the award Rector of IPB, the award of the National Research Competitive Strategy (Rusnas Award 2004) from the Ministry of Research and Technology, Satyalencana Karyasatya of the President in 2006, Concern and the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Award from the President in 2007, an Extraordinary Gift of Intellectual Property in 2009, and In 2010 he received an award from the Association of Engineers Indonesia (PII).
Related to his profession as a lecturer, Sriani also been honored as Outstanding Lecturer IPB in 2006 and also the National Outstanding Lecturer in the same year.
Ordinary Garden
The first child of seven siblings and Sri Rumiati Soedjijo partner since childhood have been familiar with the orchard. My grandfather had been a village head in Ponorogo and have ample land contains a variety of fruit trees.
"I'm not going to stop here, many potential local fruit that can be developed. We at PKBT required to provide any other superior varieties, "said the mother of four children of her marriage to Dr. Ir Enisar Sangun it.
Moreover, with the invasion of imported fruit, Sriani worry increasingly marginalized local fruit. For example, oranges that are currently most imported from China. (Ant / firm handoko)
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